Dünya Ayarları

Wiki Grepolis TR sitesinden
15.19, 22 Şubat 2012 tarihinde NaturaL (mesaj | katkılar) tarafından oluşturulmuş 725 numaralı sürüm
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The Worlds

A world is another word for a game server. Each world contains the same fundamentals of Grepolis except for minor changes in settings (see below). A player can join multiple worlds with the same account, however you can not play the same world with two different accounts. A list of all worlds and their settings can be found here.

Ayar Tanım Değerler
Dünya Hızı World Speed determines how fast all actions in a world take. This includes buildings generating resources, limited time divine forces, mood and strength regeneration, etc. Range: 0+
Varsayılan: 1
Birim Hızı Unit Speed determines the speed at which units travel across the map. It is the only speed setting that is independent of the World Speed. Range: 0+
Varsayılan: 1
Gece Bonusu The night bonus provides a bonus to the defender when attacked at night. The exact "time of night" differs per world, however this bonus is always 100% of a defender's total defense value Range: Açık/Kapalı
Varsayılan: Etkin Değil
Acemi Koruması Bir oyuncu bir dünya'ya katıldığında geçen bu süre zarfında oyuncuya saldırı yapılamaz. The duration listed in linked to Server Time and therefore unaffected by World Speed. Range: 0+ Gün
Varsayılan: 7 Gün
Moral Moral, güçlü bir oyuncunun zayıf oyuncuya karşı saldırı avantajını azaltır. Range: Etkin
Varsayılan: Etkin Değil
İttifak Üye Sınırı Bir ittifakta aynı anda olmasına izin verilen en fazla oyuncu sayısıdır. Range: 2+
Varsayılan: Sınırsız
Barış Barış, oyuncuların birbirlerine saldırı yapması mümkün olmadığı zamanlarda gösterilir. Bu süre çok azdır. Genellikle Noel(Yılbaşı) gibi önemli tatil zamanlarında ortaya çıkar. Range: Açık/Kapalı
Varsayılan: Etkin Değil

World Speed World Speed determines how fast all actions in a world take. This includes buildings generating resources, limited time divine forces, mood and strength regeneration, etc. Range: 0+
Default: 1
Unit Speed Unit Speed determines the speed at which units travel across the map. It is the only speed setting that is independent of the World Speed. Range: 0+
Default: 1
Night Bonus The night bonus provides a bonus to the defender when attacked at night. The exact "time of night" differs per world, however this bonus is always 100% of a defender's total defense value. Range: On / Off
Default: Deactivated
Beginner Protection The time from when a player joins a world during which they can not be attacked. The duration listed in linked to Server Time and therefore unaffected by World Speed. Range: 0+ Days
Default: 7 Days
Morale Morale weakens the advantage of a stronger player when attacking a severely weaker player. Range: Active
Default: Inactive
Alliance Cap The maximum number of players allowed to be in one alliance at at the same time. Range: 2+
Default: Unlimited
Peace Peace indicates times during which players are unable to attack each other. These times are scarce, only usually occurring during major holidays such as Christmas. Range: On / Off
Default: Deactivated