Gezintiye git
The Medussa is a vicious killer, her Sharp attacks makes her a fearsome enemy both for defenders and to the invading forces, Cyclop and Pegasus flee before her. Medussa is the strongest of all land units, and its the best mythical unit because it has the best attack/defense balanced with the resources and Population it costs. But the fact that it requires 2 Fast transport ship to take overseas makes it more commonly used while defending.
Kara Birimleri: | Milis - Gladyatör - Sapancı - Okçu - Hoplit - Süvari - Savaş Arabaları - Mancınık |
Deniz Birimleri: | Taşıma Kayıkları - Biremler - Ateş Gemileri - Buriotalar - Hızlı Taşıma Gemisi - Triremler - Koloni Gemileri |
Mitolojik Birimler: | Minator (Zeus) - Mantikor (Zeus) - Tepegöz (Poseidon) - Hydra (Poseidon) - Harpy (Hera) - Medusa (Hera) - Sentor (Athena) - Pegasus (Athena) - Serberus (Hades) - Eriny (Hades) - Grifon (Artemis) - Kaledonya Domuzu (Artemis) - Tanrının Elçisi (Goden) |